Christmas Tree Miracle

Christmas miracle of 2020.
Christmas tree miracle. Taxiarchis greece reuters locked down by coronavirus at their busiest time of year fir tree farmers in greece are hoping for a christmas miracle to salvage a season all but lost. A nationwide lockdown has meant thousands of christmas trees may not get to market in time in a blow to farmers in an area of northern greece where fir tree. However the youngest daughter who loves christmas trees and playing her cello starts believing there will be a christmas miracle and amazing things start to happen.
Locked down greek fir tree farmers wait for christmas miracle. Workers gather fir trees grown to be sold as christmas trees at a farm in the village of taxiarchis during the coronavirus. With kevin sizemore terry kiser jill whelan barrett carnahan.
I loved that this movie was sort of realistic in showing how losing everything could affect a family but the family prevails. Locked down by coronavirus at their busiest time of year fir tree farmers in greece are hoping for a christmas miracle to salvage a season all but lost.